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samedi 9 mars 2019


Example of meals :

Example 1

Meal 1 :

Vegetable omelet (3 egg whites, 1 whole egg, 1 cup veggies) You can also add some chicken or lean beef if you want.

Meal 2 :

One cup yogurt or a protein shake

Meal 3 :

6 oz Chicken little vegetable dish one bun

Meal 4 :

1 piece fruit 3-4 oz Chicken

Meal 5 :

6 oz fish one - Cup grilled veggies one - Cup rice

Example 2

Meal 1:

3 packs instant oatmeal 1 banana
1 cup of yogurt one cup of farmer's 

Meal 2 :

Protein shake 1 large baked potato

Meal 3 :

8 ounces misshapenness a pair of cups food one apple one cup 

Meal 4:

will of tuna one – a pair of cups 

Meal 5 :

Protein shake 1 cup brown rice

Meal 6 :

8 ounces grilled fish one cup veggies a pair of cups rice

Example 3

Meal 1 :

Breakfast dish (3 egg whites, one whole egg disorganized, one cup onion/green pepper combine, salsa) one cup cheese one cup berries

Meal 2:

Protein shake 1 cup raw veggies

Meal 3 :

Salmon burger on whole wheat bun (canned salmon, 1 egg white, onions cooked in a non-stick fry pan) 1 large potato cut into strips, brushed with olive oil, and baked
in kitchen appliance till crisp one garden dish drizzled with oil and vino vinegar

Meal 4 :

Protein shake 1 cup yogurt

Meal 5 :

8 ounces malformationtake chunks, cooked in oil and seasoned with oregano, flavourer, and basil one cup seared tomatoes two cups food one cup broccoli/cauliflower combine

Meal 6 :

Protein shake 1 cup melon 1 cup yogurt

Of course, these are solely prompt meal plans. you'll combine it up as you would like to. It’s an honest plan to set up ahead and pre-cook your meals. Keep vegetables divide within the icebox thus you don’t have to be compelled to work too arduous at a time for dinner
There’s extremely no ought to live fastidiously for the parts prompt. This isn’t a particular science! Eyeball your part and think about the subsequent chart:

Portion:                                                     Size 
1 oz. meat                                            Matchbox 
3 oz. meat                                            Deck of cards 
8 oz. meat                                            Thin paperback book 
3 oz. fish                                             Checkbook 
1 oz. cheese                                         Four Dice 
1 med. potato                                      Computer mouse 
2 tbsp. peanut butter                            Ping pong ball 
1 cup pasta                                          Tennis ball 
1 bagel                                                 Hockey puck 
Recipes are always good to have on hand, so here’s a few to try on for size. 

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