Cardiovascular Exercise
Good examples of cardiovascular activities for people with knee pains include walking and swimming. Walking is a simple and easy activity that can be practiced almost anytime. Also, working in the water is very interesting when you want to reduce joint stress. Water gymnastics has developed particularly in recent years and now offers multiple options for working on many aspects of fitness. Cycling is an option to consider with caution. It allows you to work in resistance without impact, but the amplitude of movement is limited at the level of the lower limbs. This means, among other things, that you need a lot of stretching exercises to reduce the inevitable contractures of the muscles around the knee. The tension in the quadriceps is common and will result in localized pain in the front of the knee as strains in the psoas muscle reverberate in the lower back. This would be an individual choice. Respect your pace, go step by step, pay attention to the warning signs of pain and adjust accordingly.
There is a tendency to think that lifting weights is bad for conditions such as this. Yet studies show that it is rather the opposite. By strengthening the muscles around the joints, the bodybuilding allows transferring to the muscles a part of the load imposed on the joints. One of the roles of the muscular system is to keep things in place. When you strengthen the active system (muscle) that supports the passive system (bone), you relieve the articulation of certain symptoms. In a recent study, seniors with moderate knee osteoarthritis who went through a 16-week resistance workout program reported on average a 43% decrease in pain, increased the feeling of strength, decreased disability as well as a decrease in clinical signs and symptoms of their disease. Muscle training also reduces the risk of falls, which is a major risk factor for people with knee injuries. Another recent study showed a 40% reduction in falls in people 80 years and older following specific training
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